Foot Orthotics and Joint Pain

Foot Orthotics and Joint Pain

Should I be wearing foot orthotics? Will they help my joint pain? You may have asked yourself these questions. And to be honest, I did. After my third knee surgery, I pursued orthotics with my orthopedic surgeon. Although he didn’t seem convinced they would help, he...
Stress Prevents Self-Healing

Stress Prevents Self-Healing

Within your body, you have a powerful source of self-healing. To illustrate, think of the many bruises, cuts and blisters you’ve had that your body has repaired. Additionally, think about the colds, injuries and infections that you’ve overcome. This self-repairing...
Why You Need Body Awareness

Why You Need Body Awareness

Body awareness is the first step towards a pain free body. One of the initial things a client often experiences while working with me is enhanced postural awareness. Prior to our session, they rarely thought about how they held their body. After our time together, my...