Enhance Your Self-Worth in 2014!

Enhance Your Self-Worth in 2014!

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? That you should be doing and giving more? I do! Where does this come from? Why do we feel inadequate despite our achievements? Perhaps we have bought into the beliefs spread through our society in the self-sacrifice or...

Transitioning Through Loss

Two week ago my mother passed from this life. It has been a difficult period and a dramatic transition that has been defined by changes like helping my Dad pack, sell and toss over 50 years of life together. This blog contains advice that I wrote after my beloved dog,...
Energy Management Brings Success

Energy Management Brings Success

Popular thinking says that time management brings increased productivity and success. Yet the authors of The Power of Full Engagement believe “Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance.” Has this ever happened to you? At the end of...