What is Athletic Toughness?

What is Athletic Toughness?

Is athletic toughness pushing through the pain and possibly compromising your body for future sports participation to compete in a race? OR Is athletic toughness having the integrity to listen to your body, make self-respecting choices and think beyond today’s game?...
Many Athletes are Dysfunctional!

Many Athletes are Dysfunctional!

Did you see it? Professional golfer Tiger Woods pulled out of the first round of the Farmers Open last month due to back pain. Why? Because of a lack of glute activation. In an interview, he actually acknowledged it.   “My glutes are shutting off and they they...
Four Reasons You Don’t Want to Get Hurt

Four Reasons You Don’t Want to Get Hurt

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Ben Franklin said these famous words in 1736 in reference to fire prevention. You can apply the same philosophy, however, to sports injuries. For several reasons–beyond the obvious–we want to avoid any...
Knowing When to Let Go of a Sports Goal

Knowing When to Let Go of a Sports Goal

Balloon Letting go is hard. In my experience, it is much more difficult to coach someone to postpone participation in an event than to continue ahead with strenuous training. I’ve also struggled with this personally. Consider this . . .   July 15,...