Pain Free Backpacking

Pain Free Backpacking

It has been over a decade since I’ve been backpacking due to injury and fear of pain. I am happy to say that my husband and I went out for a successful night last weekend to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. Backpacking can be added to my list of can do...
How Fit Are You?

How Fit Are You?

Can you…   Complete 50 abdominal crunches in one minute? Squat 2 times your body weight?   After reading those two sentences, are you feeling unfit right now? Well, I am! These, however, are just a few of the assessments that some people  commonly use...
Keep Race Results in Perspective

Keep Race Results in Perspective

It’s ski season, in some parts of the country anyway, which means Nordic ski racing for me. As I am about to embark on the biggest ski race of my career this weekend, the American Birkebeiner, it is good to remember to keep perspective. Please enjoy this piece I...
Should you stretch a tight muscle?

Should you stretch a tight muscle?

Well, that seems like a silly question with an obvious answer, right? Wrong! When we stretch a tight muscle, we make the assumption that the muscle is tight because it is shortened and needs to be lengthened. However, this is not always the case. Actually, a muscle...