7 Reasons to Try Cross-Country Skiing

7 Reasons to Try Cross-Country Skiing

1. No Lift Lines and Cheap Trail Passes With multiple trails all accessed though human power there is rarely an opportunity to be slowed down by others. The solitude, beauty, quiet, and undisturbed snow creates a magical environment. Over the holidays several years...
Plan Your Holiday Training Camp

Plan Your Holiday Training Camp

    For athletes with a day job the holiday break away from work can provide extra training time. A training camp is simply consecutive days of participating in a sport(s). It is an excellent way for master athletes who generally have limited training time...
Why and When to Stretch Your Muscles

Why and When to Stretch Your Muscles

I recently met a fit young man who loves to run. A mutual friend brought us together, introducing me as someone who might be able to help with his back pain. He had seen a chiropractor who told him the curve in his lower back had flattened which was probably...
Taming Your Sports Gremlin

Taming Your Sports Gremlin

As an athlete you are driven, have goals and want to achieve. Many of us are in the habit of pushing our bodies to the brink of collapse, injury or sickness to succeed. Our taskmaster inside, sometimes called our sports gremlin, scares us into making bad choices...