Jessica Kisiel
Wellness Blog
Injury Recovery Blog Posts
End Chronic Knee Pain Through Alignment
We learned everything we needed to know about our skeleton in kindergarten . . . Recall a section of the lyrics from the children’s song Dem Bones: “The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone, . . . The leg bone's connected to the knee bone, The knee bone's connected...
3 Gentle Back Extension Exercises
Back extension is a normal human movement! However, doing back extension exercises, particularly of the lumbar spine (low back), is not universally practiced or accepted. In fact, people have strong opinions about this issue. I have had students refuse to do these...
How You Think Affects Your Pain
Thoughts are inputs into the nervous system that can increase or decrease your sensation of pain. Have you ever noticed your pain decrease when you are having fun, in a beautiful place, or engaged in a meaningful activity? Conversely, have you felt your pain increase...
New Research on Chronic Back Pain
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic back pain (CBP). However, the majority of those with CBP—85%, in fact—have not been diagnosed with a definitive structural cause for their pain. Instead, changes in the central nervous system, including the brain, are causing...
How To Fix Plantar Fasciitis
The treatment for Plantar Fasciitis needs to extend above the feet. In order to realign your body and alleviate your pain, try the exercises provided.
What To Do When You Have A Pain Flare Up?
Pain flare-ups are no fun! How do I know? Because I’ve had plenty myself. Sometimes, flare-ups are understandable, such as when we increase an activity too quickly. For example, perhaps you pushed it a bit too far on your run, hiked a longer and steeper trail than...
Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind to Heal
Your subconscious mind directs the actions and behaviors that create the results you experience in your life. Interestingly, your subconscious is more powerful than your conscious mind. It makes up most of your mind's capacity. As you can see in the iceberg image to...
Membership Website Launching in October
I am excited to announce the pre-launch of The Pain Free Athlete membership website. The site officially launches on October 1, 2021. The creation of this website is one of the benefits of Covid-19. A year and a half ago, I moved all of my in-person classes to Zoom....
Osteoarthritis: The Latest Research
“Osteoarthritis is not a ‘wear and tear’ disease of the joint.” Thus says Tasha Stanton, associate professor and lead osteoarthritis researcher at the University of South Australia, Adelaide. I had the opportunity to listen to her presentation, “Re-thinking...
Is peer pressure prolonging your injury?
Peer pressure, the influence a group or individual has on your behavior, can be positive or negative. When we view it in relation to activity and sport, peer pressure can drive us to do more than we might on our own. This is great if we are lacking motivation and need...
A New Relationship with “Rehab Exercises”
I have a confession to make: I frequently struggle to do my “rehab exercises”! There you have it. I am a posture coach that can lack motivation to do the work she asks of her clients. So, do you think less of me now? Or, maybe you respect my honesty? Well,...
How to “Be Careful” and Excel After Injury
A client recently remarked to me that I probably have to "be careful" with my athletics since I have been injured and have had multiple joint surgeries. This blog is in answer to her statement. If you Google the topic, the idea of being careful regarding pain...
How to Reach to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain
As humans we are often reaching directly in front of our bodies to do tasks with our hands. For instance, we type and use a mouse on our computers; chop, cook and clean in the kitchen; text on our phones; eat our meals; and much, much more. But have you ever...
Beat Your Pain Using the Biopsychosocial Model
Pain is: “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.” This updated definition of pain was provided by The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)...
Are you injury-prone?
Some people seem to get hurt--a lot. Why? In general, these people blame their injuries on being clumsy, rushing, not paying attention, or just bad luck. As an example, I recently received this email from a client: “Last weekend I fell on my left hip on Saturday while...
Try 14 Days Of Classes Free
Take posture fitness classes on your own schedule or attend a LIVE Class!
Membership plans give you access to recorded LIVE classes, weekly LIVE online classes & specialized instructor-led courses!

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Thousands of Classes In Your Pocket

Fix Your Rounded Shoulders
10 Classes

Building A Strong Core
10 Classes
Instructor-Led Courses
Take a course that’s directed at your personal posture or pain problem.

Stay Motivated with Jessica!
With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.

Try it For Free Today!
- Intro to Posture Therapy Course
- Access to recordings of all weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes
- Everything in Starter Membership
- Access to weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes
- Everything in Growth Membership
- Access to all specialized Instructor-Led Courses.
- Access to all newly added specialized Instructor-Led Courses
“Walks with strength and ease. My testimony to your work is that I am recovering over-all strength, I’ve re-learned how to walk and now have enough abdominal strength to support a free, healthy stride, and my bunion has improved so much that my toes quit hurting about a year ago, and now I can wear more normal shoes. Wow! Thank you!”

Linda Schmidt
“Improved Quality of Life. Learning and practicing posture fitness exercises has eliminated my chronic pain incurred from sport injuries, computer work and stressful lifestyle habits. Jessica’s weekly live posture class is a great addition to my personal exercises she has given me. Her thorough explanations helps reinforce the correct techniques for exercises that I continually practice on my own to maintain correct alignment! ”

Debbie Testa
“Quicker Recovery from Hip Replacement. I’ve taken Jessica’s Posture Fitness class since the fall of 2017. A few weeks ago, I fell and broke my hip. This is my second hip replacement! Partly because of the exercises we do in Jessica’s Posture Fitness Class, I am doing better this time around than I did last time. I am stronger. The Pain Free Body Coaching Group that I took has helped me deal with the pain that accompanies a hip replacement. Thank you, Jessica, for your classes and helping us live a better quality of life!”

Julie Moss