Jessica Kisiel
Wellness Blog
On-Demand Online Fitness Classes
Personal Wellness
Sports Training
On-Demand Classes
Posture & Technique
Injury Recovery

Recent Blog Posts
Manage Stress Through Neutral Posture
Take a look at the photo above. The person has taken a posture of stress and pain. The body is in an extended position. They have overly-arched their lower back. Also, they have pulled their shoulders so far back that they are behind the hips. Finally, their diaphragm...
Foot Orthotics and Joint Pain
Should I be wearing foot orthotics? Will they help my joint pain? You may have asked yourself these questions. And to be honest, I did. After my third knee surgery, I pursued orthotics with my orthopedic surgeon. Although he didn’t seem convinced they would help, he...
Human Being vs Human Doing
Many of us judge the success of our day by how much we accomplished: “How many things did I check off my to do list today?” This is because our society places great value on busyness. Since we have these ingrained beliefs, you might feel guilty or lazy when you are...
Take Care of Yourself: Think MOVE!
Guest Blog by freelance writer-editor Denise Sessions, Cool Breeze Writing and Editing Services. When I heard that prolonged sitting, such as at my desk job, put me at risk for certain diseases, I was surprised. I thought I was doing what I needed to do. I worked out...
Why Kegel Exercises Don’t Work
Has someone told you to do Kegels? They're supposed to fix many issues, right? Actually, more and more people are telling both women and men to do Kegel exercises in order to strengthen their pelvic floor (pelvic diaphragm) musculature. But does it really work? For...
Many Athletes are Dysfunctional!
Did you see it? Professional golfer Tiger Woods pulled out of the first round of the Farmers Open last month due to back pain. Why? Because of a lack of glute activation. In an interview, he actually acknowledged it. “My glutes are shutting off and they they...
Hamstring Pain with Running, Hiking and XC Skiing
What movements do running, hiking and classic cross-country skiing have in common? Very simply, the legs move from in front of the body to behind the body in the sagittal plane. The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right sides. You can see this in...
Stress Prevents Self-Healing
Within your body, you have a powerful source of self-healing. To illustrate, think of the many bruises, cuts and blisters you’ve had that your body has repaired. Additionally, think about the colds, injuries and infections that you’ve overcome. This self-repairing...
3 Ab Exercises You Should Be Doing!
In my last blog, The Secret Role of Your Abs, I disclosed the vital role your abdominal muscles play in breath and deep core alignment. There, I explained how this part of your body provides the base of your posture. Additionally, I emphasized that if the ribs and...

Take posture fitness classes on your own schedule!
Our platform offers a wide range of pre-recorded classes. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your core, improve your flexibility, or alleviate tension in your neck and shoulders, we have a class for you.
With our organized categories, you can easily navigate through our library of classes and find the perfect workout to suit your needs. Each class is 60 minutes long, giving you ample time to fully immerse yourself in the exercises and reap the benefits.
Lifetime Membership – ONLY $199
- One Time Payment
- 92 unique hour-long posture fitness class recording
- Classes for:
-Back, Core and Spine
-Upper Body (head, neck & shoulders)
-Lower Body (knees and legs)
-Hips and Pelvis
-Feet and Walking
-Whole Body
-Conditioning - Descriptive class titles to ensure selecting the right class
- Class progress and tracking for easy sorting
- BONUS: Intro to Posture Therapy Course

Fix Your Rounded Shoulders
10 Classes

Building A Strong Core
10 Classes
Instructor-Led Courses
Take a course that’s directed at your personal posture or pain problem.

Stay Motivated with Jessica!
With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.

“Walks with strength and ease. My testimony to your work is that I am recovering over-all strength, I’ve re-learned how to walk and now have enough abdominal strength to support a free, healthy stride, and my bunion has improved so much that my toes quit hurting about a year ago, and now I can wear more normal shoes. Wow! Thank you!”

Linda Schmidt
“Improved Quality of Life. Learning and practicing posture fitness exercises has eliminated my chronic pain incurred from sport injuries, computer work and stressful lifestyle habits. Jessica’s weekly live posture class is a great addition to my personal exercises she has given me. Her thorough explanations helps reinforce the correct techniques for exercises that I continually practice on my own to maintain correct alignment! ”

Debbie Testa
“Quicker Recovery from Hip Replacement. I’ve taken Jessica’s Posture Fitness class since the fall of 2017. A few weeks ago, I fell and broke my hip. This is my second hip replacement! Partly because of the exercises we do in Jessica’s Posture Fitness Class, I am doing better this time around than I did last time. I am stronger. The Pain Free Body Coaching Group that I took has helped me deal with the pain that accompanies a hip replacement. Thank you, Jessica, for your classes and helping us live a better quality of life!”

Julie Moss