Jessica Kisiel
Wellness Blog
Personal Wellness Blog Posts
New Research on Chronic Back Pain
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic back pain (CBP). However, the majority of those with CBP—85%, in fact—have not been diagnosed with a definitive structural cause for their pain. Instead, changes in the central nervous system, including the brain, are causing...
How To Fix Plantar Fasciitis
The treatment for Plantar Fasciitis needs to extend above the feet. In order to realign your body and alleviate your pain, try the exercises provided.
What To Do When You Have A Pain Flare Up?
Pain flare-ups are no fun! How do I know? Because I’ve had plenty myself. Sometimes, flare-ups are understandable, such as when we increase an activity too quickly. For example, perhaps you pushed it a bit too far on your run, hiked a longer and steeper trail than...
Membership Website Launching in October
I am excited to announce the pre-launch of The Pain Free Athlete membership website. The site officially launches on October 1, 2021. The creation of this website is one of the benefits of Covid-19. A year and a half ago, I moved all of my in-person classes to Zoom....
COVID-19 Risk, Exercise and Immunity
Why are so many athletes contracting COVID-19? This was the question my editor asked me a couple of weeks ago. In response, I explained that after exercising, our immunity is decreased. So, our risk of infection is greater following a workout. Consequently, if...
My Experience with the Wim Hof Method
I hate being cold! And I get anxious when holding my breath. So, naturally, I chose to take up a daily practice that includes both of these things, right? But of course . . . I embrace challenges. I don't like that I have fear and apprehension about the cold and...
The Connection Between Neck Pain and Breathing
Although the diaphragm and intercostals are the primary muscles of inspiration, several neck muscles play an accessory role in bringing air into the body. Furthermore, when these primary muscles of inhalation are not working optimally, or you are breathing heavily...
Conquer Your Fear of Pain with Movement
Kinesiophobia: “the avoidance of activity because you fear it will cause pain.” --Norman J. Marcus, MD While I was talking with one of my clients who had suffered from back pain for over four years, he realized that only when distracted did he not have pain with...
5 Health Benefits of Slowing Down and Staying Home
"Although you may not always be able to avoid difficult situations, you can modify the extent to which you can suffer by how you choose to respond to the situation." ~ Dalai Lama Undoubtedly, the world is currently experiencing a difficult situation. We are...
Start Meditating to Reduce Stress: 3 Easy Practices
As you probably know, it is always important to manage stress. Many preventable diseases can be linked back to an elevated and prolonged stress response in the body. During a health crisis, however, it is of utmost importance for us to maintain calm and access the...
Breathe Better: Use Your Nose
How strong is your nose? Have you ever considered that the function of your nose is dependent on muscles? Did you know that if you don’t nasal breathe, these muscles can become weak and imbalanced? Use it or lose it applies to your nose! Recently, I had the...
Food Allergies/Sensitivities and Joint Health
Is your diet keeping you in pain? For two of my clients, unknown food allergies/sensitivities caused inflammation. This inflammation hindered their ability to heal. Each improved with our posture therapy work together. However, they could not fully recover until they...
3 Exercises for Pain Free Gardening
Please enjoy this re-print of my article that was published in the May 2019 Moab Happenings. Spring is here! Now is the time to prepare the soil for your garden! Unfortunately, this can mean spending several hours bent over with your hands in the dirt, pulling...
Posture Therapy: A Bodyworker’s Perspective
Last summer, Elizabeth Lamoureux was diagnosed with Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) in her right hip. FAI creates abnormal contact and wear in the hip joint, between the ball—top of the femur (thigh bone)—and the socket—acetabulum (depression in the pelvic bone)....
5 Lessons from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course
Do you. . . Want to reduce your stress and increase your happiness? Crave a slower pace of life with time to relax and breathe? Suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, depression or disturbed sleep? If you answered yes, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR, may be...
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Stay Motivated with Jessica!
With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.
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- Access to weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes
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- Access to all newly added specialized Instructor-Led Courses