
Jessica Kisiel

Wellness Blog

Personal Wellness Blog Posts

Exercise Makes You Smarter

Exercise Makes You Smarter

You're probably heard these benefits of exercise: Elevated Mood Weight Management Better Sleep Reduced Stress Lower Blood Pressure But did you know exercise also makes you smarter? That's what John Ratey, MD author of  Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise...

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Ten Tenets of Wellness

Ten Tenets of Wellness

What is wellness? Many have tried to define it and several models have been developed to explain the components. Michael Arloski, PhD, PCC, a licensed psychologist and professional certified coach created the Ten Tenets of Wellness. Not a model but foundational...

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How Are You Meeting Your Needs?

As human beings the outcome of all our actions is to meet our emotional needs. The motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, reminds us that we have everything we need. It is the way we go about achieving our needs that can be empowering or destructive. Often these needs...

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Mindfully Eating Chocolate

Mindfully Eating Chocolate

It’s nearly Valentine’s Day, the holiday symbolized by red hearts, flowers, love notes, and of course chocolate. This year, when your sweetheart gives you that beautiful box of treats, enjoy each piece mindfully – with full awareness. Imagine you have never had...

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Try 14 Days Of Classes Free

Take posture fitness classes on your own schedule or attend a LIVE Class!

Membership plans give you access to recorded LIVE classes, weekly LIVE online classes & specialized instructor-led courses!

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Fix Your Rounded Shoulders

10 Classes

Building A Strong Core

10 Classes

Instructor-Led Courses

Take a course that’s directed at your personal posture or pain problem.

Stay Motivated with Jessica!

With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.

Try it For Free Today!



  • Intro to Posture Therapy Course
  • Access to recordings of all weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes 



  • Everything in Starter Membership
  • Access to weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes 



  • Everything in Growth Membership
  • Access to all specialized Instructor-Led Courses.
  • Access to all newly added specialized Instructor-Led Courses 

Walks with strength and ease. My testimony to your work is that I am recovering over-all strength, I’ve re-learned how to walk and now have enough abdominal strength to support a free, healthy stride, and my bunion has improved so much that my toes quit hurting about a year ago, and now I can wear more normal shoes. Wow! Thank you!

Linda Schmidt

Improved Quality of Life. Learning and practicing posture fitness exercises has eliminated my chronic pain incurred from sport injuries, computer work and stressful lifestyle habits. Jessica’s weekly live posture class is a great addition to my personal exercises she has given me. Her thorough explanations helps reinforce the correct techniques for exercises that I continually practice on my own to maintain correct alignment! ”

Debbie Testa

Quicker Recovery from Hip Replacement. I’ve taken Jessica’s Posture Fitness class since the fall of 2017. A few weeks ago, I fell and broke my hip. This is my second hip replacement! Partly because of the exercises we do in Jessica’s Posture Fitness Class, I am doing better this time around than I did last time. I am stronger. The Pain Free Body Coaching Group that I took has helped me deal with the pain that accompanies a hip replacement. Thank you, Jessica, for your classes and helping us live a better quality of life!”

Julie Moss