Jessica Kisiel
Wellness Blog
Personal Wellness Blog Posts
Exercise Makes You Smarter
You're probably heard these benefits of exercise: Elevated Mood Weight Management Better Sleep Reduced Stress Lower Blood Pressure But did you know exercise also makes you smarter? That's what John Ratey, MD author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise...
Become an Intuitive Eater to Lose Weight
Losing weight is hard. There are many factors that contribute to excess pounds. In researching approaches to weight loss I have found the principles explained in "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D. and Elyse Resch, M.S., R.D., F.A.D.A. very useful. Just...
Motivation Trumps Willpower for Changing Behaviors
How often do you tell yourself that "it was my lack of willpower that kept me from being successful at ____" (fill in the blank - eating less, exercising consistently, journaling daily, etc.). As a coach I hear willpower blamed for many "failures." What is...
Three Reasons to Drink More Water
1. Reduce joint pain and inflammation A joint can be defined as the meeting place of two skeletal bones. The majority of our joints are synovial joints which are surrounded by a membrane and bathed in fluid. These joints also contain shock absorbing materials to...
Elevate Your Happiness by Using Your Strengths
Positive Psychology research has shown that one way to increase uplifted emotions is to do what you are good at. Utilizing your character strengths especially in the service of others has been shown to produce lasting good feelings. Aside from having the "warm and...
Ten Tenets of Wellness
What is wellness? Many have tried to define it and several models have been developed to explain the components. Michael Arloski, PhD, PCC, a licensed psychologist and professional certified coach created the Ten Tenets of Wellness. Not a model but foundational...
How Are You Meeting Your Needs?
As human beings the outcome of all our actions is to meet our emotional needs. The motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, reminds us that we have everything we need. It is the way we go about achieving our needs that can be empowering or destructive. Often these needs...
How to Calm Down in 5 Minutes or Less
If you're like me, life can be overwhelming at times, to the point of paralysis. With so much to do, sometimes it is hard to figure out where to start and you have no motivation to do anything. Feeling like this recently, I listened to a review of the book "How to...
5 Reasons Your New Year’s Resolutions May Have Failed
It is just over six weeks since January 1 and you began practicing your New Year’s Resolutions. How are you doing in adopting healthier behaviors? If you haven’t accomplished what you set out to do, take heart, you are not alone. It’s said that one-third of New Year’s...
Mindfully Eating Chocolate
It’s nearly Valentine’s Day, the holiday symbolized by red hearts, flowers, love notes, and of course chocolate. This year, when your sweetheart gives you that beautiful box of treats, enjoy each piece mindfully – with full awareness. Imagine you have never had...
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Stay Motivated with Jessica!
With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.
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- Access to weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes
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