Jessica Kisiel
Wellness Blog
Sports Training Blog Posts
Be Still to Improve Your Performance
With the abundance of self-help resources available today (more than at any other time) on so many health and wellness topics, why aren't we thriving as a nation? This is the essence of the question Garret Kramer posed to start his presentation, "Why Stillpower Always...
What Causes Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps?
Although frequent and sometimes debilitating, exercise associated muscle cramps (EAMC) have been poorly understood by the scientific and medical community for years. Many of the theories about EAMC have been from anecdotal evidence, not controlled studies. ...
Flow Experiences, the Zone and Optimal Performance
Flow is the state of optimal experience when the body and mind are pushed to the limit to complete a difficult task. It is these moments that bring us happiness and fulfillment in our lives. Flow is an intrinsic experience of our own making that is not dependent on...
Shin Splints Can Occur in Seasonal Transition
In case you missed my article in The Weekly Sun of the Wood River Valley or the Los Alamos Daily Post it is reprinted below. Transitioning from skis to running shoes can be painful. When skiing our foot is connected to a long board and never makes contact with...
7 Reasons to Try Cross-Country Skiing
1. No Lift Lines and Cheap Trail Passes With multiple trails all accessed though human power there is rarely an opportunity to be slowed down by others. The solitude, beauty, quiet, and undisturbed snow creates a magical environment. Over the holidays several years...
Plan Your Holiday Training Camp
For athletes with a day job the holiday break away from work can provide extra training time. A training camp is simply consecutive days of participating in a sport(s). It is an excellent way for master athletes who generally have limited training time...
Is Strength Training Ruining Your Posture?
If you're lifting weights without addressing postural disparities such as one shoulder higher than the other, a hip that is rotated forward or rounded shoulders then YES your unbalanced posture is becoming stronger and more engrained with every repetition performed....
Why and When to Stretch Your Muscles
I recently met a fit young man who loves to run. A mutual friend brought us together, introducing me as someone who might be able to help with his back pain. He had seen a chiropractor who told him the curve in his lower back had flattened which was probably...
Taming Your Sports Gremlin
As an athlete you are driven, have goals and want to achieve. Many of us are in the habit of pushing our bodies to the brink of collapse, injury or sickness to succeed. Our taskmaster inside, sometimes called our sports gremlin, scares us into making bad choices...
Prevent Injury with Proprioception Training
Proprioception is defined by Mosby's dictionary as “the kinesthetic sense. The sense that deals with sensations of body position, posture, balance, and motion.” Simply put, it is your ability to feel your body's joint positions and movements in space. As your...
Three Strategies to Settle Competition Nerves
1. Embrace Your Competitor When I read about this strategy in Running Within by Jerry Lynch and Warren Scott I was intrigued. I had always seen the other women in my races as rivals to be beaten and crushed, not embraced! Lynch and Scott describe how anger...
Core Training – Are You Doing Enough?
In case you missed my article in the Los Alamos Daily Post it is reprinted below. You have probably heard that having a strong core is important and will help with back pain, athletic performance, injury prevention, posture and the various activities of daily...
Low Tech or High Tech Training – what’s right for you?
I have always been a low tech exerciser and competitor. In my sports training I have mainly used heart rate and time as measures of my effort and intensity. There are several reasons for my choice. First, learning new technology can be frustrating. I don't...
Protein and Exercise – How Much Should You Eat?
Protein seems to be the most misunderstood of the food nutrients. And it is no wonder with the popularity of high protein diets, protein powders, bars, and so on. Since I am not a dietitian I will share some of the sound advice offered by sports nutritionist and...
How and Why to Add Intervals to Your Workouts
You've heard you should do interval training but how and more importantly why? Intervals are an important training technique because you can push your body harder for shorter periods of time than for a long duration. Challenging your body to go beyond the usual...
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With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.
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- Access to weekly LIVE Online Posture Fitness Classes
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