Jessica Kisiel
Wellness Blog
Sports Training Blog Posts
How to Handle the Pressures of Athletic Competition
"One of the hardest things to deal with at the international level of competition is the pressure I feel just before it is time to go!" - Winter Olympic Gold Medalist Olympic athletes have the ultimate pressure to perform with an entire country counting on them...
Riding Solo or with the Group, 3 Questions to Consider
It's Saturday morning, the group ride leaves in an hour - should you join the bunch or go it alone? Ask yourself the following three questions to make the best decision. 1. What type of workout do I want and need today? Whenever a group of athletes come together...
Fueling for a Century Ride
The century ride is when you can cash in on all your bike hours in one long effort. All the training miles you've done, however, won't replace a smart eating plan for the event. A successful 100 mile ride is dependent on maintaining your energy level over the...
Gain Fitness Through Adequate Recovery
Fitness is gained when you rest. The workouts you do break your body down. It is commonly accepted that you don't weight train everyday because you would continually grow weaker with each workout. Every time you lift weights you are creating micro-tears in your...
Pedaling Cadence, How Fast Should You Spin?
Remember when cyclist Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France – seven times? If so, you might also recall how Lance popularized the fast spin of >90 revolutions per minute (rpm). What are the advantages of spinning at a high cadence? Increased blood...
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With nearly 15 years of experience teaching group posture classes, Jessica incorporates alignment, breathing, core strength, body awareness and integrated movements into each lesson. Her in-depth knowledge, thorough explanations and precise demonstrations of each exercise ensures participants use correct form to gain the most benefit from each position.
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