by Jessica Kisiel | Nov 17, 2021 | Injury Recovery, Personal Wellness
Pain flare-ups are no fun! How do I know? Because I’ve had plenty myself. Sometimes, flare-ups are understandable, such as when we increase an activity too quickly. For example, perhaps you pushed it a bit too far on your run, hiked a longer and steeper trail than...
by Jessica Kisiel | Mar 9, 2021 | Injury Recovery, Posture and Technique
As humans we are often reaching directly in front of our bodies to do tasks with our hands. For instance, we type and use a mouse on our computers; chop, cook and clean in the kitchen; text on our phones; eat our meals; and much, much more. But have you ever...
by Jessica Kisiel | Sep 29, 2020 | Posture and Technique
Sciatica is a literal pain in the butt! I have suffered from sciatica on and off for years. I feel it in my left glute, and when it gets really bad, the pain extends down my hamstring on the back of my upper thigh. If you’ve had it, then you know that it can be quite...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jul 8, 2020 | Injury Recovery, Posture and Technique, Sports Training
You are an athlete! An athlete is anyone who desires to be active and challenge themselves. In my definition, competition and organized sports are not required to be an athlete. However, in the era of Covid-19, there aren’t many, if any, events to participate in...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jun 10, 2020 | Injury Recovery
Have you ever had a knot under your shoulder blade? One that hindered your movements? You are not alone. Most painful knots under the shoulder blade (scapulae bones) are due to tension buildup within the soft tissues. In this blog, I address how to break up and...