Exercise Makes You Smarter

Exercise Makes You Smarter

You’re probably heard these benefits of exercise: Elevated Mood Weight Management Better Sleep Reduced Stress Lower Blood Pressure But did you know exercise also makes you smarter? That’s what John Ratey, MD author of  Spark: The Revolutionary New Science...
Why and When to Stretch Your Muscles

Why and When to Stretch Your Muscles

I recently met a fit young man who loves to run. A mutual friend brought us together, introducing me as someone who might be able to help with his back pain. He had seen a chiropractor who told him the curve in his lower back had flattened which was probably...
Understanding the Function Run

Understanding the Function Run

“The value of the function run is that it deliberately equalizes your strong compensating muscles and your weaker prime movers. When we are dysfunctional, heavy exertion demand automatically accesses our strongest muscles. Function runs are a way to stop that...