5 Recovery Lessons I Learned from My Dog

5 Recovery Lessons I Learned from My Dog

A few years ago I had to say good bye to my beloved 13 year old yellow Labrador retriever, Coral. At seven and a half Coral became paralyzed in her hind end from pouncing too aggressively on a tennis ball during a game of fetch. Through months of canine physical...
Does it hurt to run and play?

Does it hurt to run and play?

In case you missed my article in The Weekly Sun of the Wood River Valley  or the Los Alamos Daily Post it is reprinted below.   Sports and exercise shouldn’t hurt. For many of us, though, moving our bodies creates symptoms of pain. Consequently, the circle...
My Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis

My Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis

I was diagnosed with severe bone-on-bone Osteoarthritis (OA) in my left hip in 2007 after arthroscopic surgery. When my doctor and I parted, his last words were, “I’ll see you in 15 years for your hip replacement.” In my late 30s I was too young for...
Knee Injuries and Alignment

Knee Injuries and Alignment

In case you missed my article in the Los Alamos Daily Post it is reprinted below.   Contrary to popular belief your knee is not a fragile joint. It is designed to run, jump, ski and perform all the activities you ask of it. The knee is actually a simple joint...