by Jessica Kisiel | Sep 20, 2012 | Personal Wellness
Losing weight is hard. There are many factors that contribute to excess pounds. In researching approaches to weight loss I have found the principles explained in “Intuitive Eating” by Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D. and Elyse Resch, M.S., R.D., F.A.D.A. very...
by Jessica Kisiel | Sep 12, 2012 | Injury Recovery
Healing happens not only physically but is also influenced by your psychological state. While suffering from various injuries and surgeries I found the teachings of Positive Psychology helpful to my recovery. How we think about our situation and what we say to...
by Jessica Kisiel | Aug 20, 2012 | Injury Recovery
To reduce joint pain my Egoscue® therapist recommended I measure and work to improve my body pH. Defined as “potential for Hydrogen” pH represents the acid-base balance in arterial blood. The density of positively charged hydrogen ions makes a solution...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jul 15, 2012 | Personal Wellness
How often do you tell yourself that “it was my lack of willpower that kept me from being successful at ____” (fill in the blank – eating less, exercising consistently, journaling daily, etc.). As a coach I hear willpower blamed for many...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jun 21, 2012 | Personal Wellness
Positive Psychology research has shown that one way to increase uplifted emotions is to do what you are good at. Utilizing your character strengths especially in the service of others has been shown to produce lasting good feelings. Aside from having the “warm...