Ten Tenets of Wellness

Ten Tenets of Wellness

What is wellness? Many have tried to define it and several models have been developed to explain the components. Michael Arloski, PhD, PCC, a licensed psychologist and professional certified coach created the Ten Tenets of Wellness. Not a model but foundational...
Alexander Technique and Running

Alexander Technique and Running

In my ongoing quest to learn more about posture, injuries, and pain I began experimenting with the Alexander Technique (AT). What attracted me to this process is that AT develops awareness about moving and using the body efficiently during everyday activities –...
How to Calm Down in 5 Minutes or Less

How to Calm Down in 5 Minutes or Less

If you’re like me, life can be overwhelming at times, to the point of paralysis. With so much to do, sometimes it is hard to figure out where to start and you have no motivation to do anything. Feeling like this recently, I listened to a review of the book...