by Jessica Kisiel | Aug 20, 2014 | Injury Recovery, Posture and Technique
Road to Recovery Healing is not a neat and tidy process with well-defined steps from pain to wellness. Instead, it is an individual journey that is unique for each person. The source of chronic pain and the strategies needed for recovery can be simple or complex. Some...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jul 30, 2014 | Personal Wellness, Posture and Technique
In my last blog, Prevent Osteoporosis with Aligned Posture, I proposed that aligned posture or the lack of it is a risk factor for osteoporosis. When your skeleton is not stacked vertically against gravity, your bones are not being stimulated to grow. As a result,...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jul 16, 2014 | Personal Wellness, Posture and Technique
I’m worried about osteoporosis, as are many of my clients. Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bones, which increases the likelihood of fractures and can lead to disability and death. The diagnosis of osteopenia also denotes decreased bone mass and is a precursor...
by Jessica Kisiel | May 29, 2014 | Personal Wellness, Posture and Technique
The diaphragm has a dual role in the body: respiration and posture. When these actions occur simultaneously, we improve our core stability. This is particularly evident in the lumbar spine. My last blog, My Low Back Hurts Because I Can’t Breathe, described the...
by Jessica Kisiel | May 20, 2014 | Injury Recovery, Posture and Technique
Did you know that respiration (breathing) and back pain are intimately linked? News to me! A 2006 study found that “the presence of respiratory disease is a stronger predictor for lower back pain than other established risk factors.” And “clinical...