Love Your Body Today and Everyday

Love Your Body Today and Everyday

When was the last time you showed appreciation for your body and all it does to support and move you? If you are like many, you’ve had a ore negative tone during recent conversations with your physical structure. Perhaps you’ve heard yourself expressing...
Should you stretch a tight muscle?

Should you stretch a tight muscle?

Well, that seems like a silly question with an obvious answer, right? Wrong! When we stretch a tight muscle, we make the assumption that the muscle is tight because it is shortened and needs to be lengthened. However, this is not always the case. Actually, a muscle...
Enhance Your Self-Worth in 2014!

Enhance Your Self-Worth in 2014!

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? That you should be doing and giving more? I do! Where does this come from? Why do we feel inadequate despite our achievements? Perhaps we have bought into the beliefs spread through our society in the self-sacrifice or...