by Jessica Kisiel | Aug 28, 2012 | Injury Recovery
You know that kid who is always asking questions to the point of being annoying? What does s/he want to know – WHY? Why this, why that, why, why, why. It can be a difficult question with a complex answer. Adults interacting with this child may become drained by...
by Jessica Kisiel | Aug 23, 2012 | Sports Training
Proprioception is defined by Mosby’s dictionary as “the kinesthetic sense. The sense that deals with sensations of body position, posture, balance, and motion.” Simply put, it is your ability to feel your body’s joint positions and movements in space....
by Jessica Kisiel | Aug 20, 2012 | Injury Recovery
To reduce joint pain my Egoscue® therapist recommended I measure and work to improve my body pH. Defined as “potential for Hydrogen” pH represents the acid-base balance in arterial blood. The density of positively charged hydrogen ions makes a solution...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jul 27, 2012 | Injury Recovery
Many of my posture alignment clients suffer from painful lower back conditions – sciatica, bulging or herniated discs, SI joint dysfunction, stenosis, etc. Upon examination I find that their hips have restricted movement. The hips and lower back are connected...
by Jessica Kisiel | Jul 15, 2012 | Personal Wellness
How often do you tell yourself that “it was my lack of willpower that kept me from being successful at ____” (fill in the blank – eating less, exercising consistently, journaling daily, etc.). As a coach I hear willpower blamed for many...