by Jessica Kisiel | Dec 8, 2020 | Personal Wellness
I hate being cold! And I get anxious when holding my breath. So, naturally, I chose to take up a daily practice that includes both of these things, right? But of course . . . I embrace challenges. I don’t like that I have fear and apprehension about the cold and...
by Jessica Kisiel | Nov 18, 2020 | Personal Wellness, Posture and Technique
Although the diaphragm and intercostals are the primary muscles of inspiration, several neck muscles play an accessory role in bringing air into the body. Furthermore, when these primary muscles of inhalation are not working optimally, or you are breathing heavily...
by Jessica Kisiel | Oct 27, 2020 | Injury Recovery
Some people seem to get hurt–a lot. Why? In general, these people blame their injuries on being clumsy, rushing, not paying attention, or just bad luck. As an example, I recently received this email from a client: “Last weekend I fell on my left hip on Saturday...
by Jessica Kisiel | Sep 29, 2020 | Posture and Technique
Sciatica is a literal pain in the butt! I have suffered from sciatica on and off for years. I feel it in my left glute, and when it gets really bad, the pain extends down my hamstring on the back of my upper thigh. If you’ve had it, then you know that it can be quite...
by Jessica Kisiel | Aug 5, 2020 | Injury Recovery, Personal Wellness
Kinesiophobia: “the avoidance of activity because you fear it will cause pain.” –Norman J. Marcus, MD While I was talking with one of my clients who had suffered from back pain for over four years, he realized that only when distracted did he not have pain with...