by Jessica Kisiel | Jun 1, 2021 | Injury Recovery
Peer pressure, the influence a group or individual has on your behavior, can be positive or negative. When we view it in relation to activity and sport, peer pressure can drive us to do more than we might on our own. This is great if we are lacking motivation and need...
by Jessica Kisiel | May 25, 2021 | Injury Recovery
I have a confession to make: I frequently struggle to do my “rehab exercises”! There you have it. I am a posture coach that can lack motivation to do the work she asks of her clients. So, do you think less of me now? Or, maybe you respect my honesty? Well,...
by Jessica Kisiel | Apr 21, 2021 | Injury Recovery, Sports Training
A client recently remarked to me that I probably have to “be careful” with my athletics since I have been injured and have had multiple joint surgeries. This blog is in answer to her statement. If you Google the topic, the idea of being careful...
by Jessica Kisiel | Dec 8, 2020 | Personal Wellness
I hate being cold! And I get anxious when holding my breath. So, naturally, I chose to take up a daily practice that includes both of these things, right? But of course . . . I embrace challenges. I don’t like that I have fear and apprehension about the cold and...
by Jessica Kisiel | Nov 18, 2020 | Personal Wellness, Posture and Technique
Although the diaphragm and intercostals are the primary muscles of inspiration, several neck muscles play an accessory role in bringing air into the body. Furthermore, when these primary muscles of inhalation are not working optimally, or you are breathing heavily...