by Jessica Kisiel | Apr 14, 2020 | Personal Wellness
“Although you may not always be able to avoid difficult situations, you can modify the extent to which you can suffer by how you choose to respond to the situation.” ~ Dalai Lama Undoubtedly, the world is currently experiencing a difficult...
by Jessica Kisiel | Mar 18, 2020 | Personal Wellness
As you probably know, it is always important to manage stress. Many preventable diseases can be linked back to an elevated and prolonged stress response in the body. During a health crisis, however, it is of utmost importance for us to maintain calm and access the...
by Jessica Kisiel | Feb 6, 2020 | Posture and Technique
How aligned is your posture? When striving for improved wellness in any area of life, it is always a good idea to have a baseline. For example: before starting a medication for high blood pressure, you measure your current readings. When beginning a healthy nutrition...
by Jessica Kisiel | Dec 17, 2019 | Injury Recovery
Tennis Elbow, Climber’s Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow—these are all elbow tendonitis injuries. However, despite what you might think, the elbow is often not the problem . . . What is Epicondylitis? Epicondylitis is simply the technical term for Tennis Elbow, Climber’s...
by Jessica Kisiel | Nov 18, 2019 | Personal Wellness, Posture and Technique
How strong is your nose? Have you ever considered that the function of your nose is dependent on muscles? Did you know that if you don’t nasal breathe, these muscles can become weak and imbalanced? Use it or lose it applies to your nose! Recently, I had the...